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Important Notice:

Hunting Season is around the corner!

Book now to get your non-restricted licence  

Racking a Pistol Slide


Check junk / spam mail boxes for replies if you have not noticed a response to your question.

Rifle Bullets

Canadian Firearms Safety Course


Instructed in locations through out Manitoba - from Brandon to Winnipeg to Flin Flon and every where in between - this is the first course that you must take in order to apply for a Possession and Acquisition License. 

Canadian Restricted Firearms Safety Course


This is the second course that you can take. This will allow you to apply for a Restricted Possession and Acquisition License. This course can NOT be taken without first taking the CFSC. This course will teach you the safe handling of restricted firearms!

Pistol, Handgun. Restricted Licence, unrestricted licence, PAL, RPAL.


Arrive on time, bring water, coffee or other beverages. bring food or have a meal plan as required - meals are NOT provided. If you want to take notes bring writing material. Laptops and tablets are allowed for the purpose of reading along and studying the e-copy course material.


Absolutely no firearms or ammunition is to be brought into the class or training facility. The only firearms allowed are provided by the course staff and are disabled. The only ammunition allowed is provided by the course staff and are dummy rounds. Do not bring components of firearms or ammunition. During the tests there are no aids of any kind allowed - including cell phones or other electronic devices.

About Our School

We are committed to providing excellent education, training and resources so that our students will be confident and capable in the safe and responsible handling of firearms. The Canadian Firearms Safety Course (CFSC) and the Restricted Safety Course (CRFSC) are the foundation programs for all firearm owners in Canada. Our instructors have a wealth of firearm experience, skills and knowledge. They are passionate about what they teach and are eager to encourage and train the next generation of Canadian Firearms owners. Most courses are run out of the Brandon and Shilo Areas; however 3rd locations throughout Manitoba and Nunavut are possible. With flexible program options and great instructors, we’re sure you’ll be satisfied with your education at North and West Firearms Training.

Shotgun Shells

North and West Firearms Training

©2023 by North and West Firearms Safety. Proudly created with

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