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Answers for You

What is your cancellation policy?

Refunds will not be provided for absent or no-show students, students removed from the course, or for academic/practical test failure. Students may be removed from the course for poor behavior towards instructors or other students. Poor behavior constitutes rudeness, inappropriate or demeaning comments, or any verbal or physical acts that create a unsafe learning environment. The focus of both the Canadian Firearms Safety Course and the Canadian Restricted Firearms Safety Course prioritizes safe and responsible handling of firearms. If a student conducts themselves in a unsafe manner and/or handles the firearms in a unsafe manner they will be removed from the program immediately, without a refund. An example of this would be pointing firearms at other course participants. In the event of a unique situation, a refund may be requested. This will be assessed on a case by case basis and will require proof to support the request. In such a situation, after review an attempt to reschedule will be prioritized over a refund. If a student can not attend a paid for course, they may allow someone else to take their spot on the course. This should be communicated to the instructor through the contact option (email) on the website at the earliest opportunity. If an event outside of the control of the instructor occurs that causes a course to not take place all students will be contacted and offered a rebooking date or a full refund.

Can I book a course for a different town or area?

Yes. This can be done as a special request. Coordination will have to occur between yourself and the Instructor that will be conducting the training. It will increase the cost - this is dependent on the location, required method of travel, and if staff overnights are required. Locations can potentialy be anywhere in Manitoba or Nanavut. The first step is to email the contact link on this website with your request.

I have trouble with English, can I use a translator?

The course is taught in english and the courseware provided to the student is in English. During instruction and practice if you require a translator or a use of an electronic device to translate that is ok. During the practical and written test there are NO translators or electronic devices allowed. The only exemption to this rule is for students that are hearing impaired.

What type of firearms will I see on the course?

The CFSC will use as a minimum 5 different firearms. These are considered different by the action they use to operate. You will use and be tested on Bolt, Hinge/Break, Lever, Pump, and semi-automatic actions. In addition you may also see/use a muzzleloading black powder firearm or other variations of the above actions. For the CRFSC you will, at a minimum use and be assessed on a revolver and a semi-automatic pistol. There will likely be a variety of actions and types available to train on. For both courses the amount of firearms and the types are dependant on the current availability to the staff. However the required minimum will always be available to facilitate the courses.

Can I pay at the door?

The short answer is YES. Booking is to be completed using this website booking service. In general at time of booking payment is completed online; however cash at the start of the course is acceptable. We understand that this may not work for everyone all the time. For that reason if you do require a different payment arrangement please contact us by email with your request. In all cases payment must be completed in full prior to the start of the class.

Can I get a FREE copy of the course manuals?

Yes. You can download a electronic copy of the CFSC and the CRFSC manual. Both are included in the same document. This is distributed by the Publications of Canada. We encourage students to read through the manuals prior to attending a course. This will greatly aid in your ability to pass the program. You can download the manuals from the link below.

I passed - What now?

4 copies recording your success are made. 1 is retained by the instructor, one goes to the provincial Chief Firearms Officer, one is sent to the RCMP Firearms office in Miramachi, NB, and one goes to you - the student. The next step is the responsibility of the student. You will need to use your paperwork to apply for a Possesion and Aquisition Licence. This is done through the RCMP Firearms program.

I failed - What now?

The passing grade that must be achieved is a minimum of 80%. If you fail you will have an opportunity to retake the test after one day has passed. This will be coordinated between yourself and your instructor. f more then seven days pass before you are able to retake the test you will be required to redo the full course. There is no refund for a failed course or discounted price on a second attempt. Depending on the situation additional fees may be incurred - an example would be accomodating a 3rd location for a retest.

It has been a long time and I have lost my copy of the paperwork - what can I do?

Before you book and pay to attend a new course reach out to the instructor or organisation that you took your CFSC/CRFSC from. Depending on how many years have passed there is a good chance they will have your paperwork on file and can send you a new copy. If that does not work contact the RCMP Firearms program and ask whether or not they have you on file. If you are unable to obtain a copy of your original paperwork then you will have to redo the program.

North and West Firearms Training

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